
All the blog posts on this website.

Exploring MusicKit: Adding Crossfade

Understanding how to use the new iOS 18 API for crossfading between music items.

Exploring MusicKit: Working with Nil Artworks

Understand how to workaround artworks with nil value

Exploring MusicKit: Adding Songs to Playlist

Understand how to add songs to a playlist using MusicLibrary class

Exploring MusicKit: User's Discovery Station

Understand how to fetch the user's Discovery Station with Apple Music API and MusicKit.

Exploring MusicKit: User's Personal Apple Music Station

Understand how to fetch a user's personal Apple Music station with Apple Music API and MusicKit.

Exploring MusicKit: Transient Item

Understanding the meaning of the transient item, errors related to it and using it correctly

Exploring MusicKit: Editing Playlists

Creating a custom `LibraryPlaylist` structure to edit user's playlists

Exploring MusicKit: Song Structure with Code Snippets

Understanding the fundamental music item that is present in almost every other music item.

Exploring MusicKit: Search Library Resources

Searching the library resources using Apple Music API and MusicKit

Exploring MusicKit: Repeat Mode

Implementing the RepeatMode button in your Apple Music client app

Exploring MusicKit: Playback Status

Observing the playback status in your Apple Music client app

Exploring MusicKit: PlayParameters

Using PlayParameters and MPMusicPlayerPlayParameters

Exploring MusicKit: Introduction

MusicKit for Swift makes it easy to add Apple Music in our app.

Exploring MusicKit: Gradient Background

An attempt to add an animated gradient background similar to Apple Music

Exploring MusicKit: Genres

Get the genres of the current top charts or fetch it by its identifier

Exploring MusicKit: Audio Variants

Exploring the audio variants and how to show them in the app using MusicKit

Exploring MusicKit: ArtworkImage

A view that displays an image for an instance of Artwork.

Exploring MusicKit: Artist Artwork

Get the artist artwork from iTunes website using Open Graph meta tags

Exploring Apple Music API: Postman

Use Postman to experiment and explore Apple Music APIs by generating the developer and user token for the headers.

Exploring MusicKit: Permissions

Adding the required key for accessing Apple Music and asking the user to give access.

Exploring MusicKit: WWDC 2022 Update

Exploring the many new structures added in MusicKit 2.0

Exploring MusicKit: Authentication

MusicKit for Swift makes it far easier to authenticate. No hassle of generating a JWT.